« From shadow to brightness called “Surya” »

My name is Céline Ryazi. I am French, and I recently moved to London.

I've always been fascinated by Interior design and Feng Shui. Even as a child, I would regularly change the layout of the furniture in my bedroom to make myself feel at home and create a cocoon.

Later, motivated by the fight against injustice, I turned to law and worked as a lawyer in Paris for over five years. I am a people person and have always wanted my loved ones to feel good, often to the detriment of my well-being.

I always seemed to have obstacles over the years without realizing that they were just signs from the universe telling me that I wasn't on the right path.

Thanks to a very dear friend who enlightened me one day, I began the work of a lifetime, that of introspection and personal development, to understand who I am and how I function. In particular, I discovered the power of energies with the help of a therapist.

Moving to London accelerated this process and Feng Shui and Interior Design found meThe stars are finally aligned, and I'm in the right place: bringing well-being to your home through beautiful energies and a unique design that reflects you. It is from these thoughts that “Maison Surya” was born.


“Maison” means home in French.

Surya combines my and my husband’s names. Surya means “shine” in Sanskrit and is the name of a Hindu Sun God.

Maison Surya is the house of the sun, and I will help you bring the sun into your living space. I am here to use Feng Shui to support you through these challenging transitions.

Maison Surya aims to bring well-being into your home through beautiful design and good energy.

My Approach

  • Trust & Listening

    Since we will be approaching the most intimate of topics, your home and how you live, I strive to create a sense of trust, which is the basis of a great relationship with you.

    I use my active listening skills and dedicate our time together to build the foundation of our relationship constructively.

    Maintaining a sincere and trusting relationship with you is essential for me.

  • Style

    Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that is complex to understand. I take the time necessary to explain the concept of energies, feng shui, its origins, various techniques, and impacts.

  • Holistic

    The etymology of the word holistic is Greek and comes from the Greek word holos, which means complete and whole. The holistic approach consists of looking at every aspect of a person’s life as a whole versus in separate parts. Holistic thinking joins the Chinese art and science of Feng Shui as they both attempt to unite the universe and nature. Feng Shui considers humans the link between the sky and the earth.

  • Attention to Details

    I'm a stickler for detail. I choose every detail of your new interior design program creatively and carefully. I consider your lifestyle, the environment’s energy, and the finished project's desired harmony.