Inner well-being through what is visible (design) and what is felt (energies)

Maison Surya manages design and style rooms and bespoke displays, sourcing and renovations.

Beautiful design is not enough to make your house a home. You also need harmony and balanced energy which I can bring you with the practice of Feng Shui. Before beginning any design project, it is essential that I do a Feng Shui analysis of both yourself and your home. This initial analysis allows me to design an atmosphere that suits you.

Each piece of furniture, each fabric, all shapes and colours have energy. I select each of these elements with details according to the Feng Shui analysis and your energies. Then I combine these elements so they become one to bring harmony to you and your home.

My unique style for your unique interior

I am inspired by my most recent trips which include Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Italy, and Spain. My design aesthetic is a combination of my French upbringing and the traditional French Art de vivre.

My interior design style includes French, British and Asian inspirations.

My approach to detail means I like to combine French and British brands with other international flavours. I also keep up with the latest fashions and trends and I take the time to select fabrics, materials and furnishings in order to create an interior that best suits you